고1 영어말하기대회 자료 Can animal experiments be justified?
Today, there are so many animals used as a subject of implementation in the medical labs or cosmetic companies. These animals, have to hold up the pain through a whole life without freedom. Don’t you think it is horrible? I admit the fact that we can enjoy a comfortable and safe life by making animal sacrifice. However, I think it should be restricted, in terms of morality. I’m talking about the reasons why animal experiments have to be prohibited.
First of all, animals have the rights to be respected. The number of dying animals is five one hundred million for a year, 30% of which die of the experiments. That means we could reduce by stopping the animal experiments.
Results of animal experiments aren’t always correct. For example, it was found that smoking causes lung cancer in medical land in 1963. And scientists prefer to trust the outcomes of experiments on animals rather than experiments on humans. Then animal experiments couldn’t prove that smoking is harmful for 50 years, which made them withhold information. So that many people died for long years without know reasons. Since we are certainly different species, the biological difference between us is too big.
The secure substances for animals could be poisonous to humans. I’m telling you the thalidomide scandal. Thalidomide, an immunomodulatory drug was first marketed after animal experiments in 1957 in West Germany. Even though there were no side effects and poison for animals, ten thousand people died in 46 countries. Thus, to depend too much on animal experiments could bring about unexpected results.
In conclusion, Animals have rights like humans and are different from us. The secure substances for animals could be poisonous to humans. Therefore, animal experiments should be restricted.